The singing voice, particularly dependent on good breathing, is an excellent instrument in showing us where breathing is not stable, where blockades slow her down, where the connection to earth is getting lost.

Voice training, however, will not only help us to improve breathing, but will also contribute to alleviating or eliminating the reasons for agitated breathing.

Vocalization furthermore gives us the possibility to express emotions, feelings, anger….., and can so prevent that inner barricades hamper our vitality.

My offer aims at all people who

  • have always wanted to sing but believe ( or have been convinced) that they cannot sing
  • would like to have control over their voice at presentations, lectures, performances
  • are seeking “grounding”
  • seeking openings
  • want to alleviate anxiety
  • want to win more self-confidence
  • want to overcome shyness
  • want to gain more charisma
  • seek access to their feelings
  • seek liveliness
  • seek compensation for the stress of everyday life
  • do not think that “prevention of burn-out” is only a modern buzzword


1 unit (45 min)……………… € 40.-
10 units………………..………€ 360.-
1 unit (60 min)…………….…€ 50.-
10 units………………….….…€ 450.-